Fresh Manna Part I


Over the past several years a number of Christians leaders have fallen from grace.  The reasons for their fall are numerous, and the laity have been hurt because of their fall.  In many cases, the sheep have fallen away because their eyes were on the man or woman of God and not on the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed through His Word.

A burning concern of most Christian leaders is to see their congregational members learn to study God’s Word in an effective and systematic fashion.  Most Christians read the Word, some study it for a certain purpose (like writing a Bible College paper), but few truly study in a systematic fashion.

In order to grow deeper in the things of God, and to insure that one will stand in the day of temptation, the Christian must have knowledge and wisdom.  Knowledge comes from reading and meditating on the Word of God.  Wisdom is the application of God’s Word to the individual’S life.

If there is reverence (fear) for the Lord, there will be a seeking of these attitudes and a desire to grow in them.


Several years ago the Rev. Bruce Wingard, M.Div. developed a note-taking system called the WordWiseTM Bible Study System.  This program allows a student of the Word to take notes on special paper right in his/her Bible.  Along with Wingard’s system (unfortunately, no longer available) was provided a small guide that offers some helpful hints called the 14 Fundamentals of Bible Study.  Twelve of his steps and other helps used over the past few years by this writer are included in this book to assist the student in a systematic study of God’s Word.


 Psalm 119, verse 105 states, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path.”

Christians need a light before them to guide them through life’s difficult paths.  Like the high-beams on a car, the Word of God illuminates the mind and heart and shows the “Way, Truth, and Life.”  Jesus is the living Word, which became flesh and lived among men (John 1:1), and the Bible is the living Word of God for man.  God’s Word:

*Guides       *Inspires     *Strengthens         *Directs       *Teaches *Instructs *Causes good works          *Trains in righteousness *Corrects    *Equips  (2 Tim.  3:16,17)

There are several reasons why we need to study God’s Word, they include:

 1. The power of God’s Word, when received in the hearts of men, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, brings the knowledge of sin and the need for repentance.  It further brings salvation in Jesus through believing on His Name.

2.   The study of the Word brings growth in Christ.  It is apparent that there is a need for God’s Word to be aptly applied to the lives of men so that they might be transformed (Romans 12:2).  “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

3.   The Word will help in times of trouble, give strength in trials, give focus and purpose for life, and demonstrate how God is ever dealing with His children to bring about their good. (Romans 8:28)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Before reviewing the steps to effective private study of God’s Word, it would be helpful to understand the “word” being discussed.

More next time….  Dr. Stan

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