Walk In Wisdom with Dr. Stan

Vlog for February 2020 Wisdom Keys for Leaders

In late 2017 I began to write a series of short devotionals designed for leaders, especially teachers of the Word of God working with students desiring to be leaders in life and the church. I really had no idea how many of these I would write, as I have never desired to write a devotional so to speak…I get bored too easily, or lack discipline to stick to a daily devotion and figured others would be bored with what I would produce as well.

But, faithful to what I believed the Lord wanted me to do, I wrote.  As it were, I wrote my way through the bible on themes that relate to leaders.  At least, on things that interested me as a bible man myself.

Thus, what I wrote (and we are offering in digital format for almost nothing) a year’s worth of short writings, from Old and New Testament sources.   I have added my twist on their meaning and application for leaders and folks who want to be. It is my hope that the 2 minute read will  provoke thought and inspire deeper devotion.  At the least, it should get you thinking about the importance of your leadership and the need to raise up healthy leaders for the next generation.

To illustrate what I am talking about, here are two for your review that seem germane to our times.

 And the Lord spoke to me, saying, you have circled this mountain long enough, Now turn north.” (Deut. 2:2-3)

There is nothing more frustrating than having to do something over again…and even more so if it is a continuous cycle. A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again while expecting a different (better) result (I think this can especially be seen in marriages that are not working well). The children of Israel, Moses and team especially, must have felt crazy, though finally liberated by the Lord’s word…now turn north. North often signifies in scripture, not just the actual direction of a journey, but to turn in the right direction, towards heaven, towards the wisdom of God. No doubt, the children of Israel needed to turn in the right direction, requiring obedience to the word. So, if we find ourselves or our students wandering a bit, in the timing of God, encourage them to turn north…in the direction of God’s greater purposes.

To get your downloadable copy click here for just $1.99

Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang on that day, saying, That the leaders lead in Israel, That the people volunteered, Bless the Lord! (Ju. 5:1,2)

Leaders must lead people who are willing to follow. Volunteers can walk away or join another. Thus, it takes a wise and caring leader to guide men and women in their spiritual journey. Deborah must have been an exceptional leader, who with Barak led God’s people to war and victory. May God empower you to lead the willing, and may he give you many willing for you to lead! (For more, see Leadership in the Church and Visionary Leadership).

Anyway, I hope you avail yourself of the resources we offer…as we all need wisdom as we move forward in 2020.

Get the Wisdom Keys paperback at www.booksbyvision.org for just $9.95

Or this month only you can download a copy for just $1.99 here


Continuing Forward

As I write this, new flooring is being put into the classroom that we are converting into a “Healing Room.” Training begins this weekend for volunteers who will be ministering physical, emotional and spiritual healing within the Ramona community…and I am so grateful for volunteer labor and continue to trust the Lord for the finances to cover our additional expenses.

Thanks for Your Continued Faithfulness

As I have stated many times before, without faithful givers such as yourself, we could not do the life transforming work we do. Please consider a generous gift to help us plant new colleges in the nations through our Bible College in a Box, and help educate leaders in the nations.

Continued Reminder

Again, by way of not too subtle reminder, we continue to take care of what the Lord has entrusted to us, as we continue with our two-pronged focus:

Vision International University:

Preparing International leaders through degree granting programs, with a special emphasis on the nations of the world

and the Vision International Training and Education Network:

With our Vision School of Ministry for local church training, Walk in Wisdom seminars, various equipping seminars and on-line certificate course, counseling outreach, church planting and dynamic publishing…taking the whole word to the whole world.

We are still in need of help for:

  • Wisdom and favor for the Launch of our new two online Certificate programs, the first on Domestic Violence Counseling (in process), the second on Christian Life Coaching, third, our Discipleship in your House: How to Start a Schools of Ministry and change your world, and our Christian Counseling certificate program.
  • Also, my bi-monthly Tuesday Night teaching (which we hope to live stream) from Ramona, and the Healing Rooms outreach (beginning March 1).

 Dr. Stan DeKoven

