Prelude to a Requiem Part IV – You know… I don’t know… who knows… don’t worry be happy.

So often in Jesus ministry he would launch into a sort of monolog with the father… and allow the disciples to listen in: In John 14, Jesus talks outside the box about preparing rooms in the Father’s house, since he can only come if he goes, and they know the way but of course they don’t… so trust me…

Don’t worry, all looks impossible, be happy,

 I am leaving so the Spirit can come and I will never leave you.

Of course, in the course of leadership, it is not always possible to communicate, not even judiciously, all of the mission, strategy and vision…   So he communicates just enough for those who are following to know.  The leaders know where the mission is going, and that in spite of circumstances, because the leaders have placed, there full assurance on Christ and his works, all will be well… in time.

 So, don’t worry, be happy…

Besides, the joy is in the journey, not the destination.

Dr. Stan

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